

InVivo Group finalizes acquisition of Soufflet Group

InVivo Group has announced the signing of an agreement to acquire Soufflet Group. The signing of an agreement between the two parties concludes the exclusive negotiations started last January. This acquisition remains subject to the authorization of relevant competition authorities.

InVivo Group is a leading national French agricultural cooperative group operating in several key countries. Soufflet is an international cereal buyer in Europe. Malteries Soufflet, a subsidiary of Soufflet Group, is one of the biggest malting companies in the world and owns and operates malt houses in Europe, Latin America and Asia.

With the acquisition of Soufflet Group, InVivo complements and develops its skills, know-how and R&D activities, with the aim of expanding its sustainable supply chains – from the field to the consumer – illustrating the wealth of French agriculture through the continuation of the Soufflet brand and its talents.