We brewed our own beer! Since 2002, our publishing house has maintained a joint presence at BrauBeviale with Doemens Academy, the world-renowned training and consulting institute for the brewing and beverage industry. While planning for the upcoming trade fair last Spring, we decided it would be nice to brew a beer together. Our beverage editors, who all happen to be Weihenstephan-trained brewing engineers, developed a recipe for the first “Fair Beer” by Doemens and Sachon Publishers.
At the beginning of September, Björn Bleier, who heads up the Doemens Educational and Pilot Brewery, along with BBII editor Christoph Seifried, brewed the beer at Doemens Technikum in Gräfelfing. It’s a classic Bavarian wheat beer with 12.2 °P original gravity and 15 IBUs. On brewing day, the rest of the Sachon beverage team visited their colleague at the brewery in Gräfelfing.
A week later, BRAUINDUSTRIE editor Benedikt Meier visited Doemens and, together with Björn Bleier, delivered an initial sensory assessment of the new brew.
Last week, BBII Editor Christoph Seifried paid Doemens a visit for a final tasting of the beer with Dr. Werner Gloßner, Doemens CEO, and Dr. Gerrit Blümelhuber, Managing Director of the Doemens Consulting, Seminars and Services Division. According to the gentlemen, it’s a refreshing beer with a well-defined body and a fruity aroma. Just the thing for long days at the trade fair!
Curious? We look forward to welcoming many visitors for a tasting: As always, Sachon will occupy booth 203 in hall 4 and our Doemens colleagues will be at booth 304, just next to ours.